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This week has flown by! Well, every week on mission has flown by...but this transfer is coming to an end which means that my time with Sister Richards as my companion is coming to an end as well! :( But, this week was full of touching. special moments that I'm so lucky to be a part of. Being on mission is a humbling experience, but an experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. The joy and happiness I have felt in being a part of my investigator's lives is amazing!
Mai Nicole: She recently moved into a member's home a couple weeks back because her marriage was facing problems. She separated with her husband and moved with some of her children into her brother's home, President Ruvinga. She truly has been prepared by the Lord. We could tell that she was struggling with the separation and that she was having a difficult time being separated from some of her children. Also, the marriage took a toll on her and she seemed...tired. I guess that the nicest way I could put it. She just seemed done with her life. But, as Sister Richards and I have been teaching her, you can see how the gospel has been changing her life. She has a light in her eyes now, an energy. She has been smiling more often and she has a beautiful smile! You can tell that she is now excited to start her new life here and although life is still hard, she is looking at it in a more positive light. She told us how the Book of Mormon has helped her realize that God knows HER and loves her with all his heart. She told us that by reading the chapters that we've assigned her, her burdens seem to be lighter and that through prayer, she has been able to gain a relationship with God.
Brother Innocent: His wife, Mai Cayden has started taking the lessons! We had followed-up with Brother Innocent on how his drinking was going. Before, he told us that he has been drinking 10 bottles of beer (BIG BOTTLES) every single day. When we asked how his drinking was going, he told me that he had only drank twice this week! He told me that he had been amazed because he had tried several times before to quit drinking and had struggled but this time around, he would pick up the beer and not even really have the desire to drink it. I have been praying all week for him to have the strength to slowly quit but I definitely didn't expect this quick of results! The reason why we have started teaching Mai Cayden is because she is amazed at the change that her husband has gone through this past week. She said that this past week, he started staying home more often and helping out in the house with cleaning and cooking instead of sitting out in the street with his friends drinking. She said that he's been spending more time with their newborn baby and is amazed at how much he spends trying to tell her about what we have taught him. She said that by teaching him the gospel, their family has grown stronger together. How amazing is that? That's exactly what the gospel is supposed to do! The family is the most important social unit and to see this family grow closer together brings me so much joy. They showed up on Sunday and Mai Cayden told me that he used to never go to church with her. This change in Brother Innocent has been amazing. The words of Alma 31:5 has truly been fulfilled. The gospel changes lives!
Brother Davidson: We have started teaching him and he has a strong desire to be baptized! However, the problem is is that he has a physical disability which doesn't allow him to walk anywhere. He sits at home all day fixing TVs and his brother provides for the things that he needs. We are going to try to work with the Bishop and members to see if we can come up with a way to get money to help find a wheelchair or something. But, he really wants to come to church and we hope that with the Lord's help, we will be able to come with an idea to help fulfill his wish!
This weekend, we were able to baptize sisters, well sister! Both sisters, Getrude and tanya, were supposed to be baptized, but Tanya needs to be baptized next weekend. They had filled up the water overnight which left the water FREEZING. The poor nine-year-old didn't want to go in the water and we didn't want her to force her so after talking with her, we decided that she would just get baptized this coming weekend. They are the absolute cutest!
I miss you guys and love you so much!
Sister Park
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